Wednesday, September 13, 2006

is it right to say...?

since beijing, not much has happened; work has been very busy this week. I'm not sure I've made it to bed before 2am, and I haven't been sleeping incredibly well due to bee sting discomfort. we haven't had time to do much besides be tired, not work out, take taxis and occasionally eat outside the office. however, tonight my replacement arrived. and I have never seen him so talkative. he's chinese and fairly quiet in the states where he only speaks english at work. the funny part is that tonight he was chatty in english. anyway, we’re giving him tomorrow to relax because well, tomorrow the office is closed. they are shutting off the power to the entire street for the construction project I so dutifully keep tabs on. but of course we have so much going on, lis and I have to work from the hotel. hopefully we can sleep in a little first.

I forgot to mention one thing from our adventure in beijing. the bookstore: we were looking for some chinese cookbooks (lis and I are both addicted to dumplings) and were approached by a very flamboyant chinese man with a shaved head and a baseball cap. he asked us if we were native english speakers and if he could ask us some questions. we said he could and then were trapped for 10-15 minutes correcting or affirming english phrases he had written all over tiny pieces of yellow paper, much to the amusement of the westerners behind us.

"so is it right that I say: 'the national product increased by three folds'?"

"or is it right to say: 'the national product increased by three times'?"

"is also right to say: 'the national product increased by three times that of last year'?"

"which is right to say: 'I will work for you from 2 colon 10 until 5 colon 10'? or is it better to say: 'I will work for you from 2 to 10 until 5 to 10'?"

there were about 10 more questions, all concerning business transactions, each punctuated with dramatic inhalations and facial contortions, until he finished off with this:

"is it right to say: 'the more beautiful, the more slender, the more attractive, the more passion I have for her. this is correct? commas, or no commas'?"

he then proceeded to explain the concept of good karma to us and tell us that we were as beautiful as movie stars and that he would never forget us. and he gave us GIFTS which he pulled from his black leather fanny pack; lis got a small jar filled with water, sand and shells, topped with a pink ribbon. I was lucky enough to receive a small, black bit of fur which was apparently supposed to be a weasel. i think.

I also think it's right to say this one was both a HIGH and a LOW.


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